Breeding / Genetics

A thriving and profitable breeding program doesn’t just happen. It requires thoughtful deliberation and strategic implementation. ABS Global in partnership with Geneplus Breeders can help. As the global leader in bovine genetics, ABS is dedicated to delivering precisely what you need: a completely re-imagined portfolio of sound, elite genetics that will help your herd succeed.

Get in touch with Geneplus Global Ltd to utilize ABS Global solutions.

Unleashing the Potential of Africa’s Livestock: Breed Selection

Africa is home to a rich tapestry of livestock breeds, each uniquely adapted to the continent’s diverse climates and environments. Geneplus Global offers a curated selection of these breeds to meet the specific needs of our customers.

Dairy Breeds: For Abundant Milk Yield

Enhance your dairy operation with our high-yielding dairy breeds. From the renowned Friesian known for its high milk volume, to the hardy Ayrshire suited for various climates, we offer breeds that optimize milk production while maintaining cow health.

Beef Breeds: Premium Meat Production

Experience accelerated growth rates and superior meat quality with our beef breeds. The muscular Aberdeen Angus is renowned for its tender, flavorful meat, while breeds like Brahman and Borana excel in tropical conditions, offering resilience and efficient weight gain.

Tropical Breeds: Thriving in African Conditions

Harness the power of breeds perfectly adapted to Africa’s unique challenges. The versatile Brown Swiss combines high milk production with heat tolerance, while the hardy Sahiwal is renowned for its drought resistance and maternal qualities.

Our commitment lies in providing breeds that not only boost productivity but also thrive in your specific environment.

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